Tag Archives: Daily Create

N+ Sonnet⤴


Today’s Daily Create asks us to share a poem in celebration of National Poetry Day, with this year’s theme being counting. I chose a Shakespeare Sonnet:

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm’d;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:
   So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
   So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

And used a N+ generator to remix it. Here’s the N+8 version:

Shall I competition thee to a summer’s deadline?
Thou artist more lovely and more temperate:
Routine windpipes do shampoo the date buffers of May,
And summer’s lectureship hath all too short a daze;
Sometime too hot the eyepiece of heed shines,
And often is his goner composition dimm’d;
And every falcon from falcon sometime deductions,
By chant or nature’s changing courtyard untrimm’d;
But thy eternal sunbeam shall not fade,
Nor lose postcode of that falcon thou ow’st;
Nor shall debt branch thou wander’st in his shallot,
When in eternal linguists to tin thou grow’st:
So long as mandolins can breathe or eyepieces can see,
So long lives this, and this gives lift to thee.

Meet the Hehefo⤴


Hehefo” flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

I’m not sure I understood the instructions for today’s Daily Create (not that I ever have a problem ignoring them, but I like to know what I am breaking!). Anyway here’s what I did:

Decided to use the “what3words” for the cottage that we are staying in next week. One I’d chosen these, I headed over to NightCafe and asked it to “Please create me an insect based on the words headboard, headache, forces”. I then took the first two letters from each of the three words to name my new insect the “Hehefo”, and uploaded the 4 images it created to Flickr.

Meet the Hehefo⤴


Hehefo” flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

I’m not sure I understood the instructions for today’s Daily Create (not that I ever have a problem ignoring them, but I like to know what I am breaking!). Anyway here’s what I did:

Decided to use the “what3words” for the cottage that we are staying in next week. One I’d chosen these, I headed over to NightCafe and asked it to “Please create me an insect based on the words headboard, headache, forces”. I then took the first two letters from each of the three words to name my new insect the “Hehefo”, and uploaded the 4 images it created to Flickr.

Ode to Starlight, the Eternal Dancer⤴


Starlight by Andrew DeVries
Starlight by Andrew DeVries flickr photo by Dogtrax shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

Today’s Daily Create asks us to write a poem or piece of prose about this image and also what she is dancing to if we like. This statue reminded me of a statue of Shiva that lives in a local museum, so I asked ChatGPT to “please write me a classic ode about the goddess starlight dancing to overcome the ignorance of humanity” and this is the result.

O Starlight, celestial maiden of the night,
Infinite grace in your shimmering flight,
Amidst the vast expanse of cosmic sea,
You twirl and whirl in purest majesty.

You dance upon the velvet canvas high,
A symphony of radiance across the sky,
A goddess fair, in darkness you’re arrayed,
To banish ignorance with your soft cascade.

Infinite orbs, your dance partners above,
Their stories whispered in the language of love,
You pirouette through the void, undeterred,
To teach us secrets by which we’re stirred.

As humans stumble in the depths of night,
You lead the way with your gentle light,
Revealing the mysteries of the distant spheres,
Quenching our thirst for knowledge and noxious fears.

Ignorance trembles in your presence, dear Star,
As you waltz and shimmer from afar,
Each twinkle, each glimmer, a beacon of hope,
In your dance, we find a boundless scope.

Eons may pass, yet you remain the same,
A constant guide in this endless cosmic game,
In your brilliance, humanity finds its chance,
To learn, to grow, to overcome ignorance’s trance.

So, Goddess Starlight, we hail your grace,
Your timeless dance in the boundless space,
For in your radiant glow, we find the way,
To seek the truth, and let ignorance sway.

Dance on, O Starlight, in your timeless grace,
With every twirl, we’ll find our place,
To conquer ignorance with knowledge’s might,
Guided by your ever-beckoning light.

McLuhan’s Tetrad⤴


I’m keeping half an eye on #ETMooc2 at the moment, and one of this week’s suggested activities caught my interest.

Activity #1 – Marshall McLuhan Tetrad of Effects for Generative AI: What are the opportunities and challenges presented by the evolution of technologies in the digital age?
View the following video (3:45) for an example of McLuhan’s Tetrad OR search for other examples.
Brainstorm changes that are already occurring or will occur with the use of generative AI in your context. Add ideas to each of the following four quadrants: enhance, obsolete, retrieve, reverse.

Google Doc

I wondered how this might apply to my favourite non-MOOC activity, the Daily Create.

McLuhan's Tetrad
McLuhan’s Tetrad” flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license

The Daily Create amplifies creativity, by encouraging DS106ers to create something every day. It makes copying obsolete, as the ethos is remix, not plagiarism. It retrieves inspiration, with a new prompt every day. There are no unexpected dissatisfactions, just a warning that #DS106 is #4Life

A To Do List⤴


A creative prompt
A creative prompt” flickr photo by NomadWarMachine shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license (Made with Night Cafe)

Today’s Daily Create asks us to write a to do list. I asked ChatGPT for inspiration

Can you write me a bullet pointed to do list for a person who needs to be motivated for a creative task

Sure, here’s a bullet-pointed to-do list for motivating yourself for a creative task:

  1. Start with a clear goal: Define the end result you want to achieve with your creative task. Having a specific and achievable goal in mind can motivate you to get started.
  2. Break the task into smaller, manageable parts: A large, overwhelming task can make you feel unmotivated. Break it down into smaller, more manageable parts, and focus on one part at a time.
  3. Find inspiration: Look for inspiration in other creative works or find ways to connect your creative task to your personal interests and passions.
  4. Create a supportive environment: Make sure you have a comfortable and inspiring work environment, with the necessary tools and resources to complete the task.
  5. Set deadlines: Set realistic deadlines for completing each part of the task. This can help you stay motivated and focused.
  6. Celebrate small victories: Celebrate each small accomplishment along the way. This can give you the motivation to keep going and help you stay positive.
  7. Take breaks: Taking breaks can help you recharge and come back to the task with fresh energy and creativity.
  8. Stay accountable: Share your goals and progress with someone else, such as a friend, family member, or mentor. This can help you stay accountable and motivated to complete the task.
  9. Reward yourself: After completing the task, reward yourself with something you enjoy. This can help you associate the task with positive feelings and motivate you for future creative tasks.

Daily Create 2023⤴


Daily Create Leaderboard 1/1/23

I first did a Daily Create on 19th March 2016, and I’ve been doing it daily for years now. As of this morning I have completed 2465 challenges. Sometimes, when I have a bit of spare time, I look back at ones I missed and fill in the gaps. I had hoped to end 2022 with a final tally of 2500, and I came pretty close.

So what will my challenge be for 2023? To do the TDC every day, of course. My ultimate all time goal is to complete every single daily create, but doing an extra 1541 over the next year might be too much of a challenge. But I will keep chipping away!

Happy 2023 all.

Daily Create 2023⤴


Daily Create Leaderboard 1/1/23

I first did a Daily Create on 19th March 2016, and I’ve been doing it daily for years now. As of this morning I have completed 2465 challenges. Sometimes, when I have a bit of spare time, I look back at ones I missed and fill in the gaps. I had hoped to end 2022 with a final tally of 2500, and I came pretty close.

So what will my challenge be for 2023? To do the TDC every day, of course. My ultimate all time goal is to complete every single daily create, but doing an extra 1541 over the next year might be too much of a challenge. But I will keep chipping away!

Happy 2023 all.

Time to Relax⤴



This Christmas I’ve had a holiday. For (most of) the last three weeks I’ve not worried about work, or agonised about what I should be reading and writing. And as I relaxed, I realised that this is the first Xmas that I can remember for at least 20 years that I’ve not had a mountain of academic work hanging over me: no piles of essays to mark; no outstanding PhD thesis to guilt trip me.

This meant that I’ve been able to really relax and take a break. I’ve written lists of things I wanted to do, rather than things I thought I ought to do, and I’ve crossed each one off with a sense of joy, rather than the usual relief. I have:

  • Spent time doing the CLMOOC Daily Doodles
  • Caught up with some old DS106 Daily Creates
  • Knitted myself a cardigan (and started planning my next one)
  • Enjoyed tidying, cooking, cleaning
  • Read novels, watched trashy TV, tuned my ukes again
  • Ignored emails and Teams

And overall I have just relaxed. Tomorrow I go back to work. Well, all good things come to an end.

Be the Pink Panther⤴


Today’s Daily Create  brought to mind a quote from Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus:

Write to the nth power, the n – 1 power, write with slogans: Make rhizomes, not roots, never plant! Don’t sow, grow offshoots! Don’t be one or multiple, be multiplicities! Run lines, never plot a point! Speed turns the point into a line! Be quick, even when standing still! Line of chance, line  of hips, line of flight. Don’t bring out the General in you! Don’t have just ideas, just have an idea (Godard). Have short-term ideas. Make maps, not photos or drawings. Be the Pink Panther and your loves will be like the wasp and the orchid, the cat and the baboon. ATP p. 24-5

It’s all about heterogeneity and rhizomes, of course – about working outside the lines, about not conforming to state control. It’s the essence of DS106 and CLMooc, for me. So here’s a gif for today: