Tag Archives: @TeacherToolkit

When I’m 66 by @TeacherToolkit⤴


“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.” says Eddie. (Proverbs 20, verse 5) Context: As part of our CPD and wellbeing programme, we conduct Exit Interviews to gauge the opinions of staff who are departing our school. I will be on the receiving end of … Continue reading

A 5-point plan for teacher #wellbeing by @TeacherToolkit⤴


Here is my 5-point plan for improving teacher wellbeing across England. “No business organisation with a 40% attrition rate would last long in any sector.” Context: Staff wellbeing is not a peripheral issue. ‘Indeed, it should be a moral imperative for all senior leadership teams and their governing bodies.’ In June 2014, I visited Education … Continue reading

#PenATweet by @TeacherToolkit and @JeanEd70⤴


A few weeks ago I posted an article exploring some issues around The importance of #handwriting. It stirred up a huge amount of interest from teachers across the world. This is part 2 of a 3-blog follow-up to my original article … Background: In a BBC News article, the art of handwriting has been under scrutiny … Okumaya devam et

Education Panorama (July ’14) by @TeacherToolkit⤴


I’ve decided to bring my monthly newsletter back ‘in-house’ after three months flirting with Tiny Newsletter. It has taken me several months to curate the title for my newsletter. Er, well no. actually, I tell a lie; less than a minute to coin the title, The Educational Panorama, which aims to capture a summary of … Okumaya devam et

What would you do? #InTray by @TeacherToolkit⤴


This is an in-tray exercise for a potential leadership interview. What would you do? Now, from the outset I will state that I am no supporter of the in-tray exercise used for school interviews; for the simple reason that they seldom, provide any feedback for the candidate. I know this is a sweeping generlisation, but … Okumaya devam et

#Flashbulb Memory by @TeacherToolkit⤴


How good is your memory? How much can you recall from your own schooling and can you think why this has stuck with you? Context: As I get to grips with writing my second book, I have been increasing the breadth and depth of my own research and re-thinking how memory can all be applied … Okumaya devam et

#BeyondLessonGrades by @TeacherToolkit and @LeadingLearner⤴


It may be that 2014 will be seen as a pivotal year in changing how we judge the quality of teaching.  The move from grading individual lessons to viewing teaching, students’ work and progress over time and in a more sophisticated way has only just begun.  If we are serious about having a world-class education … Okumaya devam et

#CreativeTheory in pictures by @TeacherToolkit⤴


This is what @TeacherToolkit has been up to over the past week and why I continue to support three very important issues in education. During the academic year, especially during the summer term, teachers are released from some of their timetabled teaching commitments and as a result, I am now able to gain some benefit … Okumaya devam et

Support teachers in the face of growing challenge by @TeacherToolkit⤴


Today, on Tuesday 17th June 2014, I visited Education Guardian to attend a roundtable discussion. The topic: “Promoting wellbeing:  How can we support teachers in the face of growing professional challenges?” The discussion set, was to explore what factors affecting teacher wellbeing and what school and education leaders can do to ease the pressure. Having … Okumaya devam et

#FathersDay: Reflections on all things fatherhood by @RossMcGill⤴


Today is a very special day for all things fatherhood. “You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.” (Bob Marley) On the 27th July 2004, I was 5 days into a 6-week holiday in Thailand, when I received a phone-call from my sister-in-law. My father had passed away. I … Okumaya devam et