Tag Archives: Greig City Academy

Using @IPEVO in the classroom by @TeacherToolkit⤴


As a result of using Twitter, I have developed some very important online relationships with companies that have an impact in the classroom. This particular blog, is about @IPEVO and the difference they have made to teaching and learning in classrooms throughout my school. This is a ‘thank you’ blog. Context: At Greig City Academy, … Okumaya devam et

Getting it right: The value of observations by @TeacherToolkit (Part 2/2)⤴


In April 2014, I raised “The importance of observations and ‘Getting It Right’ (Part 1)” and highlighted the open versus closed process of “Stepping away from observational judgements and how you can evidence this. This would typically be summarised in the following diagram shown below. The closed process is much easier to discuss. We are … Continue reading