Tag Archives: Glow Blogs

Listened to WordPress in Education⤴

from @ wwwd – John's World Wide Wall Display

Listened to Episode 85: WordPress in Education – WordPress News on the WordPress Briefing.

This episode covers some suggested uses of WordPress in Education. I was please to hear it was not concentrating on tertiary education. The host Josepha Haden Chomphosy (Executive Director of the WordPress project!) gave some good reasons for using WordPress in schools. She also talked about the learning resources in WordPress. I am certainly starting to link to and embed these more in the help for Glow Blogs.

The show notes point to the Uganda Website Projects Competition 2024 – Problem Solving with WordPress. I feel a little bit jealous. I wonder if something of the sort could be done in Scotland?

I, obviously, believe the blogs & WordPress have a lot of offer education. There are three main components of Glow, Google Workspaces, MS 365 & Glow Blogs. Google & MS have a lot of onboarding and help aimed at schools. I wonder if a project of this sort could exemplify the use of WordPress.

Subtitling with Aiko⤴

from @ wwwd – John's World Wide Wall Display

I’ve mentioned the app Aiko a couple of time. Until now I’d used it to transcribe podcasts to quote. Today noticed that it could export transcriptions as subtitle .srt files and I gave it a couple of wee videos that I had to remove1 from the Glow Blogs2 help site to comply with accessibility guidelines. Suffice to say I was very impressed with the results. Aiko is free and available for mac and iOS. Cute icon too.

Aiko app icon

  1. The plan was to add subtitles, but I ran out of time. ↩︎
  2. I am please to say I am back working on Glow Blogs on a part time basis. ↩︎

A Term on my Class Blog⤴

from @ wwwd – John's World Wide Wall Display

I’ve now been running blogs with & for my classes since 2005. I still find them a really useful tool for teaching and learning. The focus and content has changed continually over the years.

Back in the noughties I was keen on having my class blog kept up by pupils (archive.org link).

I find this harder to organise now, not sure if it is my age, the demands of the curriculum or something else. Pupils in my class now post to their e-Portfolios1 and add pieces of work to the class blog which I collate into posts. I also pinch quotes from their e-portfolios for the class blog2.

Like my own blog here I still find my class blog a great resource to remember & review. Of course it is a curated view. Much depends on what I am finding most interesting at the time. I both enjoy reading back and use it as a tool when asked for feedback or a record of some sort.

I was somewhat cheered up by Matt Mullenweg’s birthday. Sometimes it feels like WordPress is focused on content management. Matt’s post show that blogging is still loved.
While content management is a main focus of Glow Blogs my love is blogging. I still think we are only scratching the surface of the use of WordPress in school3.

Posts Last Term (Oct 2023 – Dec 2023 on my class blog )

  1. Glow Blogs – WordPress blogs for Scottish Education
  2. example of quote collection
  3. H5P for example

Haysholm ASN School use Glow Blogs to develop skills & confidence⤴

from @ Glow Gallery

Haysholm School is one of four ASN schools in North Ayrshire. It is a non-denominational school for pupils aged 5 – 18 with severe and complex additional support needs. Their catchment area extends to Largs and the Garnock Valley. The current role is 24, 15 primary aged pupils and 9 secondary aged pupils, all of whom have an Individualised Educational Programme (IEP).

The school vision is to provide learners with a happy and high quality learning and teaching environment to develop their strengths, skills and talents.  Staff  work in partnership with parents and partners to deliver a curriculum that enables learners to reach their full potential and to be as functionally independent as possible. It is their aim to ensure that all pupils are fully included, accepted and, where possible,  can contribute to the community in which they live and learn.

Yvonne Gribben, the Head Teacher, was one of the first staff members in North Ayrshire to engage with Glow blogs and in session 2013 -14 established the Haysholm School website using a public Glow blog.


Yvonne wanted a website to engage with parents and share the pupils’ work in a way that would suit the busy lives of all those concerned with the school. Being a public blog, parents and carers can access it on the Internet at a time that suits them.

The blog became very popular and Yvonne decided that the next step was creating blogs for the classes to allow pupils to share their learning directly with their parents and carers.


Classroom assistants maintain these blogs and they are regularly updated with photos and text about pupils’ achievements.




Yvonne: “Haysholm School have been trialling Glow blogs as a way of recording learners’ journeys to map progression across the 4 contexts for learning. A sample of pupils were selected (one from each class) to trial this and their parents/carers invited to be trained in uploading evidence of wider achievements from home.  Although in the very early stages, we can see that this is the way forward for documenting evidence of progression for our learners. As most of our learners are visual learners this is an excellent way of engaging them in looking at and raising their awareness of what they are learning and what their strengths are.  It is a good focus for literacy and development of communication skills as well as working on the use of digital technology.”


Rosslyn Lee, the Glow Development Officer, worked one morning with the classroom assistants who work with four of the pupils. They set up and customised the blogs to reflect the personalities of the pupils and learned how to make posts and upload photos of the pupils.


A few months later, the parents of each child were invited in to a workshop with Rosslyn where the rationale behind the blogs was explained to them. They also logged into their child’s blog and learned how to make posts and upload photographs.  This means that each of these four children can now have their achievements within and outwith school, recorded electronically.


The parents were very enthusiastic about the blogs and generated a lot of discussion about what could be uploaded into them. Rosslyn showed them how to create a photo gallery and talked about the possibility of linking to videos in the school’s Microsoft Video Channel.

This was originally a pilot with only four pupils, however the school have recently decided to proceed with individual blogs for all their learners next year as a way of recording evidence of successes and achievement.


Braidbar Primary School Book Group Forum⤴

from @ Glow Gallery

Creating a Book Group on Glow using a Forum.badge resized

Mr Howie, P5/P6 class teacher, discusses with pupils how a Glow forum was used to support engagement with reading.

Ruby likes a mix of fiction and non-fiction and has these as her favourites..





and ..







Mathew likes these books …






‘As a teacher it gave me the opportunity to ask extended questions about reading’, says Mr Howie.

In this video, Ruby and Mathew discus their favourite books and the use of the Class Glow Site forum to share their reviews. Whilst Mr. Howie asks extended questions to tease out the context of use and impact on learning.

Mr. Howie was asked, “why Glow Forum for this activity?”. He replied, “I wanted my Book Club to be a place where pupils could meet and discuss their thoughts in relation to different texts and authors. We already had a newsfeed on the homepage where they interacted, but I felt I needed something more structured where these discussions could be grouped into different threads. The Glow Forum was the ideal choice. It was easy to set up and the pupils could add their own folders and titles where appropriate. This kept the discussions separate and it also made it easy to identify books/topics that the pupils would be keen on accessing.”

Here are some screenshots from the School Glow Book Forum…



If you want to find out more about using a forum to support class discussions and collaborative learning check out:

Coaching discussion skills

- Introduction to Class Sites

Create an online space for learning and collaboration