Tag Archives: learning analytics

5 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Edtech #OTESSA23⤴

from @ education

I did an invited talk yesterday for the kick off day of the OTESSA conference, part of the larger Canadian Congress conference. It was a lovely experience, not least because I was introduced by Connie Blomgren from AU, and Jon Dron was also in the … Continue reading 5 Things You Need to Know Before You Buy Edtech #OTESSA23

#OER23: Open Education and Open Source⤴

from @ education

Although I'm barely back into the UK, I've decide that the resting and relaxing thing to do is to pack up again and head further northwards to the OER23 conference. For many of us this is the touchstone conference, offering not just an opportunity to … Continue reading #OER23: Open Education and Open Source

ChatGPT and Grimm Realism⤴

from @ education

So, after my last wee rant about AI, it continues. ChatGPT has eaten our collective minds. We continue to talk about the need to change assessment practices in response to AI , or enthuse about the ways in which it might help us with some … Continue reading ChatGPT and Grimm Realism

Some ill-formed thoughts about AI, robot colleagues, resistance, refusal.⤴

from @ education

Unless I toss all my devices in the bin and take up cat-sitting as a profession, I cannot avoid the internet stooshie about AI in education, in this case hand-wringing about ChatGPT and plagiarism. Can we seriously not think of more interesting conversations to have … Continue reading Some ill-formed thoughts about AI, robot colleagues, resistance, refusal.

Procurement aka the crack in everything that lets the bullshit in⤴

from @ education

I've been thinking and writing and talking a lot about edtech procurement recently. In fact I've been thinking and writing and talking about it for years but it feels like in this moment it might just be getting a little more traction. It might of … Continue reading Procurement aka the crack in everything that lets the bullshit in

Edtech is killing us: Random notes on a Neil Selwyn talk about edtech and climate crisis⤴

from @ education

Thanks to a blog post yesterday by George Veletsianos I was alerted to a recent talk Neil Selwyn gave to my friends at the Centre for Research in Digital Education at Edinburgh, titled "Studying digital education in a times of climate crisis: what can we … Continue reading Edtech is killing us: Random notes on a Neil Selwyn talk about edtech and climate crisis

Hitting the wall and maybe working out how to get back up again⤴

from @ education

I’ve collapsed. Mentally a bit, but more so physically. After many months of work stress, family grief, and poor health I’ve hit a wall. Thanks to a wicked combination of oestrogen and anemia I’ve piled on weight and am currently swollen up like a balloon … Continue reading Hitting the wall and maybe working out how to get back up again

Digital transformation and why it can’t be done without learning technologists⤴

from @ education

A tweet by Brian Lamb today reminded me of a blog post that's been gestating for a while and that I really ought to try get out of my head, if only for my own sanity. Trigger Warning: It might be about digital transformation, which … Continue reading Digital transformation and why it can’t be done without learning technologists

Not retreating⤴

from @ education

Last week we held our first Office of the Deputy Provost all day retreat. My office contains the Office of the Registrar, Learner Support Services, and the Centre for Learning Accreditation (at the moment, it will expand, more on that another time). We had games, … Continue reading Not retreating

Care is a sustainability practice⤴

from @ education

I haven't written a lot about my new role and just what exactly I've been getting up to over the last year, mostly because it has seemed so trivial compared to all of us trying to get through this bloody pandemic. However, it's been over … Continue reading Care is a sustainability practice