Tag Archives: Sciences

Marine Engineering Workshop⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

The Marine Engineering STEM Workshop was chosen to receive the Maritime UK STEM Award for 2019. The award recognizes the quality, hard work and dedication of the team in delivering workshops and promoting DYW and STEM as a route into engineering for pupils in schools throughout Scotland. Since starting the program 4 years ago, they have delivered the workshop to more than 26,000 pupils nationwide.

They have developed a new marine environmental engineering workshop that looks at our ocean plastics problem and how students and engineers can help to save our world’s marine wildlife. The workshop culminates in the students building a working submarine with the ability to retrieve materials from the ocean floor.

Their diary is now open for 2020/21/22 and they would like to give all Scottish schools the opportunity to book their free workshop.

MEP JP Buoyancy Workshop Flyer

Young STEM Leaders⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

An exciting new award which aims to spark greater interest in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) among young people is being launched in Scotland and your organisation / youth group could be part of the Young STEM Leaders Award pilot!

A key strand of the Scottish Government’s Strategy for STEM Education and Training (2017), children and young people will be given the chance to inspire, lead and mentor their peers through the creation and delivery of STEM activities and events within their school, Early Years Centres or local youth / community groups.

The key aim of the Young STEM Leader (YSL) programme will be to facilitate the development of peer STEM role models to inspire more young people to develop an interest in STEM and pursue the study of STEM subjects and relevant future careers. As well as helping the Young STEM Leader (YSL) develop important personal skills that are increasingly in demand from employers, it is hoped that working towards the YSL Award will motivate the Young STEM Leader to continue to progress their STEM studies and eventually embark on a career in STEM.The Scottish government-funded programme is being led by the Scottish Schools Education Research Centre (SSERC) and a range of partners, including Awards Network members YouthLink Scotland and Young Scot. The Awards Network has recently been invited to join the project Steering Group.

The Young STEM Leader Award will be non-formally accredited at curriculum levels 2, 3 and 4, underpinned by a framework that identifies the skills, knowledge and behaviours expected of a Young STEM Leader at each curricular level. SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6 will be formally accredited and certificated.

Every YSL will receive face-to-face and digital training related to the skills, knowledge and behaviours required to be a Young STEM Leader at each level. Those co-ordinating, supporting and assessing the YSLs will also receive training. It is anticipated that the YSL Award will allow easy progression for YSLs to become STEM Ambassadors when they turn 17.

A Scotland-wide pilot of the YSL programme is due to launch in early summer 2019. SSERC is seeking to sign-up a diverse mix of schools, youth and community groups and existing awards / initiatives, to pilot the programme, which will be fully operational across Scotland in 2020. It would be great to see strong youth work sector involvement.

If you would like your organisation / young people to be involved in the YSL Award pilot, please contact YSL Project Manager Graeme Rough at ysl@sserc.scot Tel. 01383 626 070

Academy 9 Project – National conference, 19 and 20 March 2019⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

You are invited to the first Academy9 ‘Building a Legacy’ conference – inspired by the A9 Dualling Programme.

 The interactive event will showcase the award-winning Academy9
Programme, which has seen industry educate and inspire thousands
of young people from Perth to Inverness in STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
We will lift the lid on the secrets of its success to inspire others.

Selected workshop highlights include:

    • Enhancing Construction Safety – Digital Careers now and the future; Harnessing Digital Technolog
    • Creating Effective Educational Programme
    • Delivering the STEM Education Strategy for Scotland
    • Developing and Keeping a Skilled Workforce – ‘New Industry in Scotland 2020
    • Enhancing Construction Safety – Digital Careers now and the future; Harnessing Digital Technology

More information here:   TS Academy9 Conference 2019 A5 Flyer WEB

New NHSScotland Careers Resource pack now available!⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

NHS Education for Scotland has developed an NHSScotland Careers Resource pack which is fresh out of the box and ‘ready to go’! The pack contains a ready-made set of lessons with everything you need for a one-off lesson or a full Unit of five lessons.

The pack contains:   A comprehensive booklet called ‘A Career for You in Health’ which is a guide to every job family in NHSScotland. This booklet contains everything pupils need to know about entry requirements, skills, values and much more for each job role.

An NHSScotland Careers teaching unit with resources for use in one-to-one career guidance, group sessions, drop-in clinics and events like parents’ evenings. These include:

  • ready-made slide packs e.g. ‘Introduction to NHSScotland’
  • a ‘word bank’ with vocabulary for use in CVs or to support understanding of NHSscotland job advertisements
  • job profiles for a variety of job roles in NHSScotland, from gardener to doctor, from midwife to IT engineer!
  • engaging pupil resources including quizzes and creative activities

To ensure that the learning is relevant for use in schools, the resource pack aligns with

  1. The Career Education Standard 3-18
  2. Curriculum for Excellence: Health and Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes
  3. SDS Career Management Skills framework

A job family leaflet showing all NHSScotland job families ‘at a glance’ which could be used with individuals, small groups, classes or at events such as parents’ evenings.

Look no further for a source of information and materials about NHSScotland careers!

Download the pack today at:  http://bit.ly/2zYdLYL

Explorathon is coming!⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

Explorathon is a set of interactive ‘Meet the Researcher’ events happening all over Scotland on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th September. It’s part of a Europe-wide programme called European Researchers’ Night, there’s a particular emphasis on European funded research but any researchers can take part.
Check out the link below to see what is happening near you!

Free STEM Events at the Easter Bush Campus- University of Edinburgh⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

The story of two Mellanbys, some dogs, cats, mice, sheep, penguins…- Public Lecture

Interest in vitamin D has rapidly grown in recent years with numerous studies linking a lack of vitamin D to the development of a wide range of health problems in both humans and animals.

However, many researchers remain skeptical about the non-skeletal health benefits of vitamin D and believe the growing reputation of vitamin D as a cure for many different diseases is wildly over-stated.

In his inaugural lecture, Richard will discuss how studies on dogs were pivotal in the discovery of vitamin D and how research on man’s best friend, and other animals, continues to illuminate the ongoing debate of the importance of vitamin D on health beyond the skeleton.

He will also discuss some of his group’s recent research which is showing the remarkable effects vitamin D can have on shaping the immune system.

This lecture will be followed by a reception in the area outside of the auditorium.

This lecture is free and open to all.


Date: Monday 24th September, 2018

Location: The Roslin Institute

Cost: Free

Age: Everyone

Booking link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-story-of-two-mellanbys-some-dogs-cats-mice-sheep-penguins-tickets-47354594868



Rabies Lab: Let’s Talk About Health pre-lecture workshop

Would you like to get hands-on with real lab techniques used in the fight against rabies? Are you a pupil in S4, S5 or S6 with an interest in science? If so, sign up for our free 45-minute pre-lecture workshop in the Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre. 

During the workshop you will carry out a laboratory technique called ELISA, which is used to screen dogs for successful rabies vaccination as part of the pet passport scheme. The hands-on workshop will cover some of the science behind rabies prevention and is an ideal introduction to the Let’s Talk About Health lecture that immediately follows the workshop – free tickets for the lecture can be booked here


Date Wednesday 10th October

Cost: Free, but you must reserve your place

Location: Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre, Charnock Bradley Building – Easter Bush Campus

Age:  Adults and children aged 10 and over. Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult, with no more than 2 children per adult.

Booking: Booking is essential – please reserve your free place(s) via our Eventbrite page.



Lets Talk About Health and Disease – Public Lecture

Join us to hear about how we have partnered with the Mission Rabies charity to deliver mass canine rabies vaccination programmes in Malawi, India and other rabies ‘hotspots’ across the world, and the challenges this work presents. Hear about our programmes to increase rabies awareness and safety for children and the impact our work is having.

Speakers:  Richard Mellanby and Stella Mazeri


Date Wednesday 10th October

Cost: free, but you must reserve your place

Location:  Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies


Doors open 4.30pm with teas and coffees available.

Refreshments will be available after event.


Booking link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lets-talk-about-health-moving-towards-rabies-elimination-in-africa-and-asia-a-one-health-approach-tickets-48270095154?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


Primary Science Education Conference (PSEC) is coming to Edinburgh!⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

The Primary Science Education Conference (PSEC) is coming to Edinburgh in June 2019. It will bring together teachers and primary science experts from across the UK and internationally to share best practice in primary science teaching. From 6-8 June 2019, the comprehensive programme will offer outstanding professional development in primary science, complemented by a dynamic exhibition specifically focussed on primary science teaching.

Now is the perfect time to register your interest in attending PSEC, submit a proposal to deliver a workshop and apply for a teachers bursary to help cover your costs. On Friday 7th June there will be a dedicated Children’s Conference and more details of this will be released in September.

PSEC is brought to you by the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT) – an educational charity whose vision is to see excellent teaching of science in every primary classroom in the UK.


Call for Proposals




Register Interest




Teacher Bursaries




Scottish Learning Festival 2018: 11 exciting DYW related seminars on offer⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

As one of the key  priorities in education, Developing the Young Workforce related contributions will feature prominently again at the SLF 2018 (19 – 10 September, SCCC, Glasgow).  This year’s main focus  will be on School-Employer Partnerships and STEM related learning around DYW.

Here is a list of key seminars:

Wednesday, 19 September

Title Presenters/education establishment Room/ Time
School-employer and Local Authority partnerships: A partnership approach to delivering DYW Donald MacLeod, Western Isles Carron 1


School-employer partnerships:  Planning, sustaining and developing a whole school strategic partnership:  what works and why? Peter Smith, Wallace High School, Stirling Carron 1,


STEM/Numeracy: Linking the maths curriculum to the world of work Alessio Gusmeroli, Skills Development Scotland Dochart 1,


School-employer partnerships:  Collaborative multi-agency approach to DYW Gill Geddes, Peebles High School, Scottish Borders Carron 1, 14.00
Profiling in the context of DYW: New guidance and My World of Work toolkit Klaus Mayer, Education Scotland and Derek Hawthorne, SDS Carron 1,


Thursday, 20 September

Theme/Title Presenters Room/ Time
DYW Regional Group: Labour market information for teachers Abigail Kinsella, Glasgow City Council Carron 1,


DYW whole school approach/ partnerships: Developing Employability and Creativity Skills across


Castlebrae Community High School, Edinburgh; St Albert’s Primary School, Glasgow Ness,


School-employer partnerships/STEM:   The impact of STEM insight teacher placements Helen Winton, SSERC Alsh 1


ICT: Stirling digital skills forum: building partnerships and developing skills for the future Helen Gorman, Stirling Council Carron 1,


ICT/Skills:   Embed computational thinking across the BGE curriculum Lorna Kerr, Education Scotland Katrine


Gender/partnerships: RISE: inspiring the future! Audrey McDermott, Uddingston Grammar School, South Lanarkshire  

Download our DYW Flyer with all related seminars here: SLF 18 DYW seminar flyer

Access the full SLF programme here:  https://education.gov.scot/Documents/SLF2018conferenceprogramme.pdf

Register for the SLF and book your seminars here.



Angus STEM event attended by more than 300 people⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

An event to raise aspirations towards, and interest in, STEM was enjoyed by more than 300 people at Arbroath Academy.

The Angus STEM Festival featured shows from Aberdeen and Dundee Science Centres, as well as Generation Science alongside interactive workshops and stalls presented by local colleges, universities and STEM employers. 

Organised by Raising Aspirations in Science Education (RAiSE) and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), the festival also aimed to highlight the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) career pathways available within Angus. 

Jonathon Brown, the RAiSE Primary Science Development Officer, said:  “It was a wonderful day and we were incredibly pleased with the numbers attending and the enthusiasm and participation from the young people and their families.  These fun, informative sessions really help bring science to life and engage young people.”

Visitors were surveyed, with more than 90% reporting that the festival made them more interested in a future career in STEM and that it had increased their interest in STEM subjects.  All of those questioned enjoyed the event.

RAiSE is a four-year pilot programme to increase the confidence and skills of teachers to teach effective and engaging primary science. More than 40 schools in Angus are engaged in the programme. It is funded and delivered by The Wood Foundation, Education Scotland and participating local authorities.


Scottish Power Energy Network – CPD event for teachers and practitioners: 28 March 2018⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

This is the first in a series of four opportunities which allows DYW representatives, teachers and educators to gain in-depth insight into what SP Energy Networks look for in candidates.

 The event will take place on 28 March 2018 and will run twice on that day. Attendees will have the choice of either a morning slot from 9-12 noon or an afternoon slot from 1-4pm.

The programme as follows:

  • Two sessions per day AM/PM with 32 places open for registration on each.
  • 30 minute presentation/interaction session on SP Energy Network activities and talent pipelines we have including Graduate, Craft Apprenticeship, Power Engineering, Engineering Foundation and Year in Industry programmes.
  • 1 hour tour of the training centre inclusive of a hand skill and overhead line demonstration.
  • Concludes with a 30 minute question and answer session.


The event will take place at the SPEN Training Centre in Cumbernauld:

ScottishPower Energy Networks,  Dealain House,  72 Napier Road, Wardpark, Cumbernauld, G68 0DF

 Booking should be made in the first instance through the Marketplace website. If you do not have access to Marketplace then please register your interest by contacting Alison Nimmo, DYW West Lothian at: Animmo@dywled.org 

Future events are being planned for the following dates: 13 June, 14 Sept, 16 Nov 2018.