Tag Archives: digital technologies


from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

The School of Engineering and Computing, University of the

West of Scotland would like to extend an invitation to join us

at our Paisley Campus for a CPD Away Day. Attendees will not

only be able to participate in our workshops but also have the

opportunity to network with colleagues from other Secondary

Schools and the University over a light lunch. To enable you to

plan for your CPD Away Day, we will ensure that your place is

confirmed by same day return of email.

To reserve your place please email: computing@uws.ac.uk.

Please contact Georgia Adam on 0141 848 3101 who will be happy to help with all enquiries. We look forward to welcoming you on campus.



Workshop focus is on detection of environmental radiation

where there would be an opportunity to use a range of stateof-

the-art radiation detector systems in order to learn how

these different systems can be used to locate and characterise

ionising radiation in our environment.


Session focus is on Arduino – programming for the real world.

The Arduino is an open software/hardware microprocessor

platform which can interact with the real world via digital and

analogue I/O using a variety of sensors, switches and actuators

(motors, servos, LEDs).


“An introduction to AVID Pro Tools for music and post

production” in support of the Music Technology National

awards will be provided through a tailored practical session.

In addition, AVID Pro Tools training and certification is available

at UWS presented by an AVID Certified Instructor.


Dr David O’Donnell, Lecturer in Nuclear Physics

Duncan Thomson, Programme Leader for Computer Networking

Colin Grassie, Lecturer in Music Technology.

Location: Paisley Campus

Date: Thursday 25th May 2017

Duration of workshop: 1000-1400 hours

Spaces available: Spaces are limited to 10 for each session

and given the anticipated popularity of the sessions, we will

offer places on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cost: We are delighted to be able to offer these ‘something

for the Teacher’ workshops with session fees waived on

this occasion to allow you to engage in hands-on activity

aligned to the Physics, Music or Computing Higher/ CfE /

National Qualifications.


Tackling the Technology Gender Gap Together 2017⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

Wednesday 29th March 2017 – 09.30am until 2.30pm (including lunch and networking)  University of Strathclyde’s Technology & Innovation Centre,  99 George Street Glasgow G1 1RD

The theme of this event is to share good practice, and for you to take away new ideas and approaches to encouraging more women into technology.  During the event you will hear from schools, tech clubs, colleges, universities and employers who have all been successful in engaging and supporting females into digital technology.  Ms Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Minister for Higher Education, Further Education and Science, will also present a ministerial address highlighting the importance of tackling the gender gap.

This is an opportunity to:

  • Hear about best practice from organisations who have been successful in encouraging females in digital technology
  • Attend workshops that will allow you to discuss and learn more about these successful strategies and how you can incorporate them into your own plans
  • Network and form new partnerships with organisations who could support your own gender plans and strategies
  • Discuss how we can jointly work towards making a real and lasting impact in this area

To secure your place at this event please register here where you can view agenda and workshops

Apps for Good Scottish Event⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog


Apps for Good is an education movement that is powering a generation to change their world with technology. We partner with teachers in schools and learning centres to deliver our course to young people from 8 -18 years of age. Students work together as teams to find real issues they care about and learn how to solve them using technology. Since 2010 Apps for Good has been delivered to over 75,000 students in more than 1,500 schools across the UK and internationally.

Join us to celebrate the next generation of Scotland’s tech entrepreneurs.

On Wednesday 15th March, over 100 students from across Scotland will travel to Edinburgh’s Quincentenary Conference Centre to participate in Apps for Good’s first ever Scottish event.

The event will bring together the next generation of digital talent in Scotland under one roof in the heart of Edinburgh’s city centre for a day of networking and workshops. Teams of young people are working together and creating apps to tackle the problems & issues which matter most to them, and the event will provide them with the opportunity to engage directly with a range of invited guests, and the other participating Scottish schools.

We’re inviting you to join the Marketplace part of the event from 2pm – 4pm, giving you the opportunity to walk around the room and meet the young people who have been working on their app ideas. The students will be keen to practice their pitch and listen to any feedback and advice that you may have. You will also be able to cast your vote in our People’s Choice Award which will allow us to recognise the top three teams.

We would love to see you there to celebrate all of our students’ hard work!

Our first ever Scottish event has been made possible after being awarded a grant from Digital Xtra, funded by the Scottish Government Digital Skills Business Excellence Partnership, who have provided Apps for Good with support to help us grow our after-school activities in Scotland.

Sign up via Eventbrite here

Mission to Mars iPad Event⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog


Mission to Mars is an inspiring, one-day, iPad event for schools and school leaders to provide excellent CPD and practical ways to take teaching and learning forward with iPad. The event will showcase the latest and most exciting tools for schools.

Glasgow 08.03.17

Edinburgh 31.01.17

This event will be a chance for schools to be inspired with ideas and hands-on experience of innovative and powerful ways to enhance teaching and learning for the students of today’s technological world.

This event is suitable for school teachers and leaders from both primary and secondary stages and across all subjects. It is suitable for schools at all stages of their iPad journey.

Workshop type – Keynote & practical, hands-on activities

Click here to book:  http://mars.xma.co.uk/index.php

Tweet about this event! #M2M

Raspberry Pi Code Club Free Training⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

Science Connects is delighted to host The Raspberry Pi Foundation at the University of Glasgow for a Raspberry Pi CPD training workshop based around Code Club. During this session you will learn to understand key programming concepts and apply them using Scratch.

This introductory workshop is suitable for Primary teachers and Secondary teachers with no prior knowledge of coding.  Upon Completion of this course you will be a “Raspberry Pi certified educator”. 

This is free CPD course for teachers and STEM Ambassadors and will be held: Glasgow University, 10th January, 5:00 -7:30pm

To Register please go to the Eventbrite page at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/raspberry-pi-code-club-training-tickets-29741372245

 This is free CPD course for teachers – http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/projects/raspberrypi/

Join the ever growing Computing Science Glow Community⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog



Computing Science is an incredibly exciting and inspiring area of the curriculum and it is essential that teachers and learners across Scotland benefit from the wealth of opportunities offered by the subject. The Glow Technologies Professional Learning Community provides teachers and learners with anytime, anywhere access to a wealth of contemporary, creative and engaging computing science online materials, resources and presentations.  All materials are tailored to levels within broad general education and senior phase enabling easy and quick access to the most relevant resources.  Watch videos and hear how teachers are enriching their learning experiences through the creative and interdisciplinary use of computing science.  Join this well-established Glow community today!tech-image






Teachers/STEM Ambassadors: Introduction to BBC micro:bit NXP East Kilbride⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog


NXP in East Kilbride (formerly Freescale) has a number of components on the micro:bit and they are keen to let teachers know more about the device, how to programme it and what it is capable of.  By matching their team of STEM Ambassadors with STEM Ambassadors from BT and other organisations, they are delighted to host this event on behalf of Science Connects.

This event will be held:

Date: Thursday 19th May

Time: 4 – 6:30pm (registration from 3:30pm)

Venue: NXP East Kilbride, G75 0TG

Teachers will have the opportunity to try out the devices in hands-on sessions with STEM Ambassadors and  this will be your opportunity to discuss with Ambassadors where micro:bits can be used to their full potential.  You can make the link with Ambassadors at this event and encourage them to visit your school to take ideas and projects further.

There are spaces for 35 secondary school teachers from all over the West of Scotland at this event, and they can be from any STEM related dept, not necessarily computing related.  However, due to space limitations we can only accept 1 teacher from each school.  Please liaise with your colleagues as to who is best to attend. If more than one wishes to attend please let me know and I will add names to a waiting list.

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis so register on Eventbrite today, using this link.

Agile Software Development opportunity with Industry⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog


digital world eyeXP2016

XP2016 in association with Skills Development Scotland Digital World are offering school students, P5 – P7 and S1 – S3, the exciting opportunity to take part in a free software development workshop at the International Conference on Agile Software Development in Edinburgh 24-27th May.  This is the first time the digital industry has given school students the chance to take part in an industry conference.

Invitation – Software Development Workshop (2)

Coderdojo coding clubs will be delivering the workshop, providing a fantastic opportunity for schools to get hands on with software development and for students to get an exciting taster of what a career in software development might involve.

The event is held in Edinburgh and the organisers will be making contribution to travel costs to help schools from further away take part.   Places are very limited and schools will be drawn from a hat to ensure fairness. Schools MUST REGISTER by Friday 22 April to be part of the draw.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Ketty Lawrence, Skills Development Scotland – Ketty.Lawrence@sds.co.uk

Play your part and enjoy Safer Internet Day on 9 February 2016⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

Safer Internet Day (SID) is the flagship event under the Better Internet for Kids strategy. What started as a European event under the EC Safer Internet Programme has turned to a huge International event that in 2015 reached more than 28 million people in Europe and 60 million worldwide. One out of three internet users are children!


From cyberbullying to social networking, each year Safer Internet Day aims to raise awareness of emerging online issues and chooses a topic reflecting current concerns. Thousands of exciting events and activities take place in all European countries and worldwide– with more than 100 countries taking part. The aim is to gather children, students, teachers, parents, policy makers, decision takers to engage, raise awareness and help to make internet not only safe but also a better environment to be in.

For SID 2016, the focus of the day is “Play your part for a better internet”, reflecting the fact that we all have a role to play. How can YOU play your part?

You can support the day by joining in the thunderclap campaign.

If you are active on twitter you can use a “special” badge – check here how to create your badge

Safer Internet Day on Twitter

When tweeting use these hashtags – #SID2016, #Iplaymypart and #playyourpart

To discover resources on online safety and more information about the network of European Safer Internet Centres visit the Better Internet for Kids portal.

To find out what is happening in your country check the Safer Internet Day website.

Apps for Good – two Regional Roadshows in Scotland in September⤴

from @ Education Scotland's Learning Blog

apps for good logo“Apps for Good is an education technology movement that is transforming the way technology is taught in schools, turning young tech consumers into tech creators. Apps for Good aims to unlock the confidence and talent of the next generation of problem solvers and digital makers: young people who are ready to tackle the 21st century workplace and are inspired to create new tech ideas that can change their world for good.

In partnership with Samsung, Apps for Good are pleased to be running two Regional Roadshows in Scotland in September, with a theme around ‘Bringing the real world into the classroom’. Join Apps for Good at the roadshow to learn more about:

  • Utilising industry Experts in the classroom
  • Advice about integrating student led learning into the classroom
  • Hints and tips for student assessment
  • How you can deliver Apps for Good in your school/college

There will also be an opportunity to network with fellow Apps for Good Educators and share best practice and the chance to hear from our External Partners, Code Club and CoderDojo Scotland.

Glasgow – 16th September – Book Your Place Now – https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/apps-for-good-regional-roadshow-glasgow-tickets-18203956524

Edinburgh – 17th September – Book Your Place Now -https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/apps-for-good-regional-roadshow-edinburgh-tickets-18150916881

If you have any questions about Apps for Good or the Regional Roadshows, get in contact with education@appsforgood.org