Open Day ICT Modern Apprenticeships within the Scottish Government

Open Day for Young People
To find out more about ICT Modern Apprenticeships within the Scottish Government
Hosted by the Scottish Government ICT Information Service and Information Systems (ISIS)
Friday 9 May 2014 (from 10am to 2pm)
Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh, EH11 3XD

The ISIS department within Scottish Government are holding an Open Day for any young people interested in finding out more about an ICT Modern Apprenticeship with them. They will shortly be advertising for 2 data centre MA roles and 4 Helpdesk MA roles – details to come out shortly – eligibility for these Scottish Government posts will be the same as usual, i.e. for young people who are 16-24 years old, who are unemployed or contracted to work less than 16 hours per week. Young people currently at school/college or on an Employability Fund programme would be eligible.

In the meantime they are keen to be able to explain to interested candidates what they can offer and what they will gain to allow candidates to make an informed choice.

The Open Day aims to provide a real example of ICT in operation letting interested young people meet key ICT Professionals, see the work environment and learn more about the process before applying for these roles.

Scottish Government will provide lunch for all delegates attending.

Please encourage young people to email me if they are interested in attending this Open Day by Monday 5th May 2014. Only young people who are interested and committed to a career in ICT within the Scottish Government should express an interest. Numbers will be limited and Scottish Government will accept the first 25 names adding others to a reserve list and will host another event if required.

Open Day for Young People
To find out more about ICT Modern Apprenticeships within the Scottish Government
Hosted by the Scottish Government ICT Information Service and Information Systems (ISIS)
Friday 9 May 2014 (from 10am to 2pm)

Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh, EH11 3XD

The ISIS department within Scottish Government are holding an Open Day for any young people interested in finding out more about an ICT Modern Apprenticeship with them. They will shortly be advertising for 2 data centre MA roles and 4 Helpdesk MA roles – details to come out shortly – eligibility for these Scottish Government posts will be the same as usual, i.e. for young people who are 16-24 years old, who are unemployed or contracted to work less than 16 hours per week. Young people currently at school/college or on an Employability Fund programme would be eligible.

In the meantime they are keen to be able to explain to interested candidates what they can offer and what they will gain to allow candidates to make an informed choice.

The Open Day aims to provide a real example of ICT in operation letting interested young people meet key ICT Professionals, see the work environment and learn more about the process before applying for these roles.

Scottish Government will provide lunch for all delegates attending.
Please encourage young people to email me if they are interested in attending this Open Day by Monday 5th May 2014. Only young people who are interested and committed to a career in ICT within the Scottish Government should express an interest. Numbers will be limited and Scottish Government will accept the first 25 names adding others to a reserve list and will host another event if required.