Did you know that the Republic of Ireland is the second largest exporter of computer and IT services in the World ? They are home to global leaders in the ICT sector such as Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Google and Ebay. They are also a major hub for Games companies such as Big Fish and Havok.
To support recruitment in this sector, our Irish EURES colleagues will be hosting an ICT European Online Job Day on Friday 9 May 2014 between 10am and 3pm – and they would like to invite your jobseekers to register to take part.
This event will give your jobseekers information about ICT career opportunities in Ireland. They will be able to search for and apply for jobs, make contact with employers and even book interviews to be held during the event. Employers will be giving presentations followed by a live Q& A, and there will be virtual presentations about Living and Working in Ireland.
Employers are being added to the programme regularly, and as the jobsfair is completely online your claimants can attend without even having to travel to Dublin !
Registration is free for jobseekers and is now open here at www.europeanjobdays.eu/dublin.
I would be grateful if you could promote the event to work coaches throughout your district, and to your partner organisations, for any jobseekers interested in working in this sector.